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Rio de Janeiro

Country or Place of Travel: Brazil
Region of Travel: South America

When you think about the country of Brazil, what city comes to your mind first? It probably is the city, and state, of Rio de Janeiro, right? Below you will find out more about all the Rio has to offer, and why many people love it.

This city, with its population of over 6 million people, is a popular vacation destination for many travelers around the world, because of its natural beauty, beautiful beaches, numerous landmarks, friendly people, and great nightlife. So, what are some of the reasons you should visit Rio de Janeiro?

The Beautiful Hills that Surround the City – when you look down on the city from above, you’ll notice that all the buildings that comprise this city are built around the bases of all these mountains. There are many hills surrounded by the city at its base. The view is quite unique compared to many other large cities around the world, which are primarily built on flat areas with mountains or hills in the distance, but not with numerous hills inside the city. All these hills provide a beautiful backdrop for those of you willing to travel to see this city.

Beautiful Beaches – There are numerous beautiful beaches inside of this city, with the two most famous being Ipanema and Copacabana. The scenery from these two beaches are quite breathtaking, to say the least. The areas of the city next to these two beaches, which have the same name as the beaches, are the classiest parts of Rio, and are filled with numerous restaurants and high-quality stores. There are other beaches as well, including Leblon, which is a little further west, and the beachfront at Barra da Tijuca, which is a great place for surfers. The state of Rio de Janeiro has other beautiful beachfronts as well, including Ilha Grande to the west of the city.

Numerous Landmarks – You will find numerous beautiful landmarks around this city, with the most famous being the Christ the Redeemer statue and Sugarloaf Mountain. There are many other places you could also visit, though. There is the Museum of Modern Art, the Botanical Gardens, the Municipal Theater, the National Library of Brazil, the Maracana Football Stadium, beautiful old cathedrals, and numerous other landmarks for the sightseer in you.

Friendly People – The people of Rio de Janeiro, known as Cariocas, are, like most Brazilians, quite hospitable and friendly, giving you help when you need it, and outgoing, coming up and approaching you. Cariocas love to socialize, dance, play soccer, volleyball, and foot-volley, and going to restaurants and pubs to drink and socialize.

Nightlife – If you have a desire to be part of the nightlife in Rio, then you will want to check out the area of the city known as Lapa. In this area, you will find numerous restaurants, bars, and nightclubs that stay open throughout most of the night, and throughout the entire week. If you get a chance to go here, try out some of the unique drinks you can find here that you can’t find elsewhere. Have fun, but be safe.

Other comments – It should be very easy for you to get around. You can rent a car, hire a taxi or Uber driver, take a ride in their extensive bus system, or ride one of their above-ground or subway trains. Or, you can just walk if you are close to where you want to go. Another thing to note if you are from North America, where I am from, is that most properties are surrounded by walls, like many places in Latin America – there aren’t the open yards that you will find in the U.S. or Western Europe. Also note that, like most large cities around the world, there is crime, and it will find you if you don’t practice some common sense to avoid it. Make sure you keep your eyes open and watch your bags and pockets.

With all this being said, you should consider vacationing to the city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, South America. There is plenty to see and plenty to do, and if you open yourself up to a new cultural experience, you will go back home more enlightened and have your propensity for sightseeing filled to your heart’s content.

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