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Things To Do While in Nairobi Kenya

Country or Place of Travel: Kenya
Region of Travel: Africa

If you are planning on taking a trip to Kenya, you probably are looking for some things to do while you are there. Since you will probably be flying to Nairobi, the capital, let us suggest some places to visit while you are there.

About Nairobi

Nairobi is the capital of the nation of Kenya in east Africa, a nation whose neighbors include Uganda, Tanzania, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia. It boasts a population of about 3 million people, which is amazing considering the fact that the town actually started as a railway depot back around 1899 for a railroad that connected Monbasa and Kambala (Uganda) – that means its entire growth has happened in less than 120 years. Today, Nairobi is a prominent city in Africa, with over 100 major international organizations and companies represented in its vicinity, including a branch of the United Nations. Another interesting fact about Nairobi is that its elevation is very high – it is over 1 mile above sea level, like Denver, Colorado, United States. When you fly to Kenya, you will most likely fly this city. So, what can you do while visiting the capital of this beautiful country? A lot of things!

The Central Business District

While you are in Nairobi, you will want to walk around and check out the Central Business District (CBD), where there are a lot of high rises and beautiful buildings – they have a spectacular skyline. There are several banks and other corporations that are headquartered here, as well as the Nairobi Stock Exchange, and some shopping malls. You will also find the city hall and the Kenyan Parliament building here also. Other things to see inside this city are the IMAX theater and the Solar Ice Rink, which is the largest ice rink to be found in Africa.

Nairobi National Park

Next to the city of Nairobi, Kenya is Nairobi National Park, which is a large game reserve, and the largest to border a major city in the world. Here you will see a multitude of animals in their native habitats, including elephants, rhinos, giraffes, zebras, wildebeests, gazelles, impalas, ostriches, lions, antelopes, as well as many other animals, all while inside the semi-savannah landscape. This park is only about 10-15 minutes from downtown Nairobi, and you can see the city’s skyline from the park. While you are there, you can hire a guide to drive you around to see the numerous animals, or you can walk the Nairobi Safari Walk.

Get Close to the Animals

One of the most popular places for people who are tourists to visit is the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, which is famous for it’s saving of baby elephants and rhinos who were orphaned when their parents were killed. You can also get up close to giraffes by going to the Giraffe Centre, which is run by the African Fund for Endangered Wildlife. They even allow you to feed the giraffes – this is a popular spot for school children going on field trips.

Plenty of Green Spaces

There are a lot of green spaces around the city that you will want to see, as well. Inside the city are the Uhuru Gardens, Uhuru Park, Memorial Park, the Oloola Nature Trail, the Nairobi Arboretum, and a place called Paradise Lost. Uhuru Gardens is the largest memorial park to be found in Kenya. Uhuru Park is adjacent to the Central Business District, and offers an artificial lake, monuments to look at, and a place for assemblies and speeches. The Memorial Park is right next to Uhuru Park. The Oloola Nature Trail offers you a place to do some hiking while surrounded by nature, which is good for the hiking lover and the ecotourist – you might even find the hidden waterfall. The Nairobi Arboretum showcases over 350 local species of trees and over 100 bird species. Paradise Lost offers you a chance to explore a cave, go riding on the back of a camel or horse, fishing, and a few other interesting things. The Karura Forest is another place you’ll want to visit – it offers hours of fun for people who like to ride a bicycle, like to hike, run, or walk, and it allows you to see a large green space in an urbanized area.

History and Art

You will also find a variety of history and art museums in this metropolis – don’t miss them. This includes the Karen Blixen coffee garden and museum, the Nairobi National Museum, the Nairobi Art Gallery, the African Heritage House, the Kenya National Theatre, the Kenya National Archives, the Rahimtulla Museum of Modern Art, and the Mazizi Arts Centre. These are a few of the history and art museums that you can visit in this city.


Many people come to Nairobi as a stop on their way to a safari in one of the many national parks spread throughout other areas of Kenya, but while you are in town for your layover, make sure to explore this up-and-coming city and take in as much of it as you can.

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